Tag: wind turbine

  • Why this Hydrogen Breakthrough Matters

    Why this Hydrogen Breakthrough Matters

    Exploring Why this Hydrogen Breakthrough Matters. Go to https://brilliant.org/Undecided to sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership. Hydrogen is number one on the periodic table, but it’s still a straggler in the renewable energy race. Like many other renewable technologies, hydrogen has dominated headlines for […]

  • What Really Happened During the Texas Power Grid Outage?

    What Really Happened During the Texas Power Grid Outage?

    When disaster strikes, the flurry of political positioning and fingerpointing can make it difficult to understand what really happened. This video provides a summary of the facts of the 2021 Texas winter storm. ⚡ My playlist about the electrical grid: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTZM4MrZKfW-ftqKGSbO-DwDiOGqNmq53 📄 Most of the energy statistics shown in the video came from ERCOT publications […]